Re: NANFA-- Report on America's Biodiversity
Fri, 30 Aug 2002 19:30:04 -0700 (PDT)
Very interesting . Alabama should be a great location
for the next NANFA convention .
--- Bruce Stallsmith <> wrote:
> We've been on a roll on this list with interesting
> outside references, so I
> thought I'd throw in one more. "States of the Union,
> Ranking America's
> Biodiversity" is a 27 page report produced by the
> people who run the
> natureserve website, in turn run by The Nature
> Conservancy. It's a summary
> of how different American states are doing with
> risk, extinction, endemism
> and overall biodiversity. For instance, Alabama is
> correctly listed as
> having the most diverse freshwater fish biota with
> 284 species, just ahead
> of Tennessee at 283. It's available as a .pdf
> download.
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
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