--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A
>From: "Crail, Todd" <tcrail_at_northshores.com>
>Reply-To: nanfa_at_aquaria.net
>To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
>Subject: RE: NANFA-- Report on America's Biodiversity
>Date: Fri, 30 Aug 2002 22:42:51 -0400
>Perhaps this is something you can address Bruce, or anyone else for that
>matter :) The EO Wilson publications that I've read, he's always honed in
>on the fact that a 90% habitat reduction equals a 50% diversity loss. As
>well, the flip side is, a 90% gain in potential habitat equals a 50% gain
>in diversity.
>In Ohio, as an example, it's claimed we've lost 95% of our historical
>wetland areas and the remaining river and riffle habitat have been
>completely changed by daming and cropland siltation (which I've seen enough
>to believe this isn't far fetched). However, it's a pretty short list of
>extinctions and extirpations. I'd say that vascular plants and freshwater
>mussels have taken the largest hit with birds coming in a distant third.
>Does the equation loose weight as you move further away from the equator?
>Or are the current long lists of endangered, threatened, concern accurate
>examples of "living dead" unless action is taken in our current
>In other words, has Industrialization only had it's effects here long
>enough with the adaptability of the species that live here... That it's not
>gone to full fruition such as it would when an Amazonian rainforest or
>Micronesian mountain forest had the canopy ripped off and the thin layer of
>soil gone immediately?
>Just kinda wondering. Perhaps this is a question to just wonder under the
>stars :)
>Any thoughts greatly appreciated,
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