Re: NANFA-- lymphocytosis? or Glugea?

Steffen Hellner (
Thu, 07 Aug 2003 08:11:11 +0200

> The infection my fish have hits fins first and then scatters over the body,
> like lymphocytosis does. The natural history does not seem to fit glugea,
> but it does fit lymphocytosis.

That is right. But the white "spots" exploding as was mentioned in another
article is more the case for Glugea.

> an increased concentration of lymphocytes
> lymphocytes are white blood cells in mammals. I assume its the same in
> fish?

The disease in fish is named lymphocystis in all books I have. Lympho means
the lymphatic system and cystis an encapsulated organism (if viruses are an
organism or not because they don4t have metabolism is purely academic). So
it is something different than Lymphocytosis. In fact the number of
lymphocytes raises in every infection, the illness means that this is the
case even without diagnostical evidence of infections. It is an internal
organism problem. Lymphocystis is an infection. But what the heck - Geoff4s
fish don4t care for names.

As there is no treatment against any virus in the world (not influenca, not
HIV) but only vaccination for some of the most typical human there is only
the possibility to "cure" by quarantine, optimal conditions and terminating
the infected fishes.

Nobody ever will develope a vaccination for fish against this virus.

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