NANFA-- Fishes of Alabama Caves and Springs...

Hoover, Jan J WES (
Mon, 23 Aug 1999 14:30:53 -0500

...are profiled in the current (Summer) issue of Outdoor Alabama. The
article, by Greg Lein (Natural Heritage Section, State Lands Division), is
titled: Karst Topography and the Diversity of Aquatic Species.

Fishes discussed include southern and Alabama cavefishes, flame and redeye
chubs, pygmy sculpin; also Coldwater, Tuscumbia, and watercress darters,
spring pygmy sunfish, and bluefin killifish.

Lein's article also covers habitats, other vertebrates, and invertebrates,
so accounts for individual fish species are brief. Writeup on the pygmy
sculpin is the most detailed but, given the exquisite adaptations of benthic
stream fishes, that's to be expected (right, Dave?).

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