Re: NANFA-- 'newbie'

jake levi (
Sat, 9 Dec 2000 05:25:24 -0800 (PST)

I am a 'new/almost member', my ap hasnt reached nanfa
yet but hopefully it has or will.

I am a longtime aquarist/commercial aquaculturist, did
an article on Jordanella floridae for the defunct
Aquarium Journal in the 60s, had a breeding colony of
pupfish in Columbus Ohio from the zoo aquarium stock
in the 70s and have worked both in ornamental fish and
food fish, primarily Tilapia sp and Atlantic Salmon.I
have kept most species of freshwater ornamentals and
bred a number commercially or as a hobbyist. I have
also cultured a number of corals and bred clowns and

I have been in and out of the country the last several
years, breeding a few ornamentals now, but have a
strong interest in the natives, kind of a 'shotgun'
interest. I would seriously like to participate in a
breeding program of one or two threatened or
species, the topminnows and pupfish come to mind, be
interested in others. I have a dozen or so unused
tens, and 20s not in use now, also want to start
learning more of the native upstate NY fish which is
where I am, possibly work with one of more of the
local species.

I am going to set up a couple tanks of zebra mussels
as I cut the hell out of my feet on a lake north of
Toronto a year ago and want to start seeing what might
not make them tick. I have an interest in sturgeon so
plan some outdoor pools for a few. Real long term
interest there, and probable same in a project.

I have been wanting to join NANFA for some time and
enjoyed the articles from time to time in FAMA on
natives. I strongly endorse the mission of NANFA and
hope to see the membership increase and the work
greatly increase. As they say extinction is for a long
time, but, also, natives are fun and fascinating.
Seems silly to spend megabucks on ornamentals from
afar when we have attractive and fascinating fish in
our backyards.

I enjoyed the archives, and reading the political
opinions reflected. For the record, I have gone full
circle from radical dem as a student to casual repub
with a stay for awhile as independent. I think Gore
talks a great story, as many dems do, but while he was
giving campaign speeches as the 'environmental
candidate' the western states were burning up as a
result of the administrations budget cuts and the
Forest Services inability to meet a severe fire
season. He talks a lot but does nothing, ala his 'poor
people' photo ops but the reality is his tenant livng
in slum conditions. "W" is another flavor , he is a
hunter, has a nice looking bird dog that rides around
with him on his ranch, he and his father are dedicated
fishermen, but, favors opening up the arctic wildlife
reserves to oil field.

Mixed bag. I tend to give him more benefit of doubt
then Gore on the environment, but honestly think the
only way to trust either is to hold their feet over a
VERY HOT FIRE. Both are rich kids, but Gore is a D.C.
raised rich kid,a snob bluntly, Bush comes from Texas
where millionaires work side by side with laborers as
the accepted thing. So, it will be interesting to see
how this plays out, whoever wins, I think a sharp
knife needs to be kept to the jugular of the winner.

Nuff, if you got this far, thanks, like to hear from
anyone in the captive breeding of species needing it,
those who know what needs attention here in upstate
and any with interests in Sturgeon. I have kept some
on and off for over 30 years but now want to get a
little more intense with them.


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