Re: NANFA-- 12/22-23 trip report

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sun, 24 Dec 2000 17:54:24 -0500

>knee-deep water, breaking ice as I went. The next step proved substantially
>deeper- I never touched bottom! As I fell forwards, I spread-eagled and
>the shocker anode horizontally to try to try and spread my surface area
>the ice. I broke through, putting my head and body underwater, but saving
>the shocker... I struggled out, gasping as the icewater flooded down my
>waders, and headed for the van. Luckily noone was around- I changed in the
>middle of the road, jumped in the van and turned the heat on full blast.
>That pretty much ended collecting for the day.

>Tuscaloosa, AL (but currently in Cumberland, MD)

Yo baby--I'm glad yer still alive! My foot started going numb in sympathy.

A systematics-in-progress question--to what nominal species does that
Federalsburg (coastal plain) population belong?

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL (temp in the 40s today, hooray!)

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