Ray here in Ypsilanti, Mi. After talking to a DNR officer I was told we can keep
game fish alive but we are limited to the requirements of the Michigan fishing
license for each species(size/possession limits) The only thing they were
concerned about is that the capture or possession occured during the open season.
Now, I didn't get the guy's name( I wish I had) so I wouldn't rely on that
statement unless you confirm it yourself.
Fishbreedr_at_aol.com wrote:
> Hello, I am just curious where the people who are collecting these fish are
> from. Do you need special permits to collect these gamefish. I am from
> Michigan and per the DNR it is allowed to catch darters, minnows,
> sticklebacks etc, (the NON-Gamefish); But special permits are required to
> maintain gamefish and that would even include panfish varieties. Just
> curious if any one could shed light on the subject or links to some
> references. Thanks Ted (fishbreedr_at_aol.com)
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