Re: NANFA-- Best Net
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 18:56:17 EST

Please keep us informed of their decision on the deeper bag. also can you
tell us the correct part number or catalog number for your item so I do not
make a mistake. I would also prefer the deeper bag so I will wait a little
while before ordering.

does anyone else have any advice on the best net to purchase. I am new to
NANFA and want to get good equipment. don't want any of those little buggers
to swim away out of my net. hehe. I want to take them home with me. hehe.

george arndt
harvard, mass

In a message dated 12/21/00 3:09:47 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< I have their 42" bait net with the hardwood handle, steel frame
with welded steel net guard. Very solid net and it was only $17. It's gone
through two seasons and no damage. The only negative is that the bag is
only 12" deep. I am going to ask them if they can provide the same net
with a 36" deep bag (and possibly a wider frame).

On Wed, 20 Dec 2000 wrote:

> <A HREF="">Click here: Ed Cumings Scientific
> Page</A> nets page >>

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