Can Get- Marine tropicals/Herps-Lucania parva, L.goodei, Fundulus
confluentus, Fundulus similis,F.grandis,Poecilia latipinna,Floridichthys
.Wants spotted gar,lampreys,western minnows, redhorses, madtoms, Fundulus
bifax, Ozark bass,darters
Call or e-mail for trade only I don't sell fish.
ANDY BORGIA, PO Box 4346 Key West,Florida 33041 I-305-294-8739
Ken McKeighen Jr. 46 Cuerro Lane Los Lunas, NM 87031
Available-Fish art work. Dozens of species available from all North American
families done in water colours, acrylic on canvas, hand painted T-shirts and
Prices below:
Water colours 5''x7"......$25 each
" " 8''x10''.....$50 each
Scientific style-3 to 4 fish 5''x7''...$25 each
'' '' 8''x10''..$40 each
Acrylic on canvas 5''x7''..$35 each
'' '' '' 8''x10''..$50 each
'' '' ''9''x12''.........$75 each
Hand painted T-shirts-small, medium, large and Xtra large...$50 each
(2 or more....$45 each)
Hand painted ball caps....$12 each
Postage is included in price. Lot discounts available. All art work is
original, hundreds of fresh and marine species available!
Wanted-Elassoma species, Enneacanthus chaetodon, Lepomis humilus, Etheostoma
whipplei, E. radiosum, E.caeruleum, Lamprey ammocoetes, Shovelnose sturgeon,
any Hiodonsp., Phoxinus oreas, Chologaster cornuta
Available for trade-Cyprinodon fontinalis, and Plancterus zebrinus (Sitting
Bull Falls,NM),5''x7'' watercolours.
please write do not have e-mail or handy access to a telephone
Henry Deford
309 Chattolanee Hill Rd.
Owings Mills, MD 21117
For sale/trade-Gambusia holbrooki, Fundulus diaphanus and Pumpkinseed
Sunfish(Lepomis gibbosus).
Will ship in US only
Wants-Most species of darters, Longear Sunfish, Carolina pygmy sunfish,
Everglades pygmy
sunfish, and African cichlids.
Chris Purcell PO Box 296 New Buffalo,MI 49117 chrisp_at_encoder.com or fax
HAS(or can get readily)-F.diaphanus,F.dispar,F.notatus,H.formosa (trade or$$)
WANTS-L.auritus, 2 young prs, F,catenatus 2 young prs will pay top $$$
TIM WOLFE 2911 Belle Air Blvd Theodore Al 36582 334-973-2524
HAS- Hemichromis lifalili-$20 a sexed pr...$7.50 juv
P. taeniatus(keinke)-$20 pr
M. splendida-F1 prs (Utchee creek) $20-pr M.pygmaea-very rare species $50-pr
Angelfish trade or sale many varieties call for availability, juvenile
Copeina arnoldi, assorted wild green swordtails, lyretail swordtails
Rainbow shiners, sailfin shiners, flagfin shiners, broadstripe shiners, dixie
chubs, Fundulus auroguttatus, F. stellifer, L. ommata, H. formosa.
Bruce Scott
520 E. Lake Hazel Rd. Meridian,ID 83642 208-888-7143 br0630_at_aol.com
Have for Trade-Tadpole madtoms, Pumpkinseeds, and Golden Topminnows all
around 1-2'', speckled dace (not listed in Idaho), and breeding pairs of
Elassoma zonatum. Want- Carolina pygmy sunfish, Rainbow darters, juvenile
green and longear sunfish, most any gravid crayfish.
Michael Hissom 2124 Van Buren St.. Wilmington,NC 28401 Moontanman_at_aol.com
Wants- shovelnose sturgeon,mudpuppies (dwarf especially), dwarf sirens,
hellbenders, one-toed amphiuma,
sculpins, dwarf crayfish, atydid shrimp, brindled, striped or spotted
madtoms, hogsuckers, logperch.
Have or can get-bluespotted sunfish, swamp mdarters dark or spotted gambusia
eels,and pirate perch.
BG Granier 608 Maureen Drive, Baker, Louisiana 70714 225-775-6400
Available Fish.
Fundulus chrysotus-$5 pair
F.notti-$7 pr
F. grandis $7.00 pr *
F.euryzonus$20 pr
Fpulvareus-$10 pr *
F.catenatus-$10 pr
F.olivaceus-$7 pr
F.similis-$10-pr *
F.blairae-$7 pr
Adinia xenica-$10 trio *
Heterandria formosa $5.00 trio
Lucania parva- $10 trio *
Cyprinodon variegatus- $7 trio *
USA only, pay shipping and return my box. Trades welcome for WHY
PLEASE NOTE : All ads in the NANFA Trading Post will be run for three
months via the NANFA E-MAIL LIST and once, quarterly, in the AMERICAN
CURRENTS MAGAZINE.. If you would like to make any changes to an existing ad
or would like to place a new ad, please contact the T/P Editor, ANDY BORGIA,
PO Box 4346 Key West,Florida 33041 I-305-294-8739 – e-mail
. The deadline for
submissions to T/P will be the 25th of the month, prior to the posting of
the ad. Ads in the T/P are provided free to all NANFA members. Commercial
ads are available.
>*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*< >*<
NANFA accepts paid advertising in the Trading Post and in our periodical
American Currents. If you are interested in advertising, please contact our
advertising chair person Peter Unmack at PO Box 1454, Tempe AZ 85280
480-965-1578 peter.unmack_at_asu.edu
/"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily
/ reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes
/ Association"
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes Association
/ nanfa_at_aquaria.net. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get help, send the word
/ subscribe, unsubscribe, or help in the body (not subject) of an email to
/ nanfa-request_at_aquaria.net. For a digest version, send the command to
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/ For more information about NANFA, visit our web page, http://www.nanfa.org
/"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily
/ reflect the beliefs or goals of the North American Native Fishes
/ Association"
/ This is the discussion list of the North American Native Fishes Association
/ nanfa_at_aquaria.net. To subscribe, unsubscribe, or get help, send the word
/ subscribe, unsubscribe, or help in the body (not subject) of an email to
/ nanfa-request_at_aquaria.net. For a digest version, send the command to
/ nanfa-digest-request_at_aquaria.net instead.
/ For more information about NANFA, visit our web page, http://www.nanfa.org
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