Re: NANFA-- disgusting xmas ripoff

Jeffrey Fullerton (
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 14:35:59 -0500

> Date: Sun, 03 Dec 2000 17:40:26 -0500
> From: "Ray Ravary, Jr."
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- disgusting xmas ripoff
> This "Betta in a bowl" thing is so hot up here in Michigan we have little old
> "crafter" ladies coming into the fish stores and getting 30-40 bettas twice a
> week. They put philodendren starts in a clear glass vase with a male betta. Then
> they sell them for thirty bucks or more. You can't even get bettas right now in
> any of the local fish stores because this crafting thing is so hot. Everybodies
> got them sitting on their desks at work. The local betta breeders are making a
> killing selling their culls instead of feeding them to their big Central American
> cichlids. It is a shame though--starving a betta to death like that.

This is in part not a bad idea.
If they were fed properly - Bettas would probably be much happier in a
bowl filled with roots as opposed to a bare bowl. In the wild Bettas are
at home in densely vegetated waters and should appreciate the cover.
Also the roots will absorb fish waste which is mutually beneficial to
the fish and the plant. Ray Wolff & I and many others have often let
cuttings of Philodendrons and Pothos grow in our tanks and tubs.

But we do still feed the fish and change the water!


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