Re: NANFA-- Elassoma

Christopher Scharpf (
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 23:00:09 -0400

>Here is a direct question; one that concerns me this evening. Do Elassoma
>jump? Is an uncovered tank a poor idea? I currently have them in an old
>wholesaler fiberglass tank. I think it is about 30 gallons. I have a
>sponge filter, some nylon mops on the sand, and many floating plastic


I've kept Elassoma in uncovered (and unfiltered) 2.5 gal. tanks and never lost
one to the floor. However, the tanks were THICK with java moss, so much so that
it was sometimes impossible to see the fish.

30 gallons may be too big for Elassoma. How many do you have?


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