On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Jay DeLong wrote:
> I'm not sure why I got this message, but here it is for thought or whatever:
> >From:
> >Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 06:58:40 EST
> >Subject: "Pet Shop Problems?"
> >To:
> >X-Mailer: Unknown sub 171
> >
> >Hello my name is Vincent Burkhimer and I am writing you in regaurds to
> >concerns I have about the "methods" pet shop/suppliers, most importantly
> >those who deal with aquatic life and how they are treated.
> > Visiting various, local establishments that sell aquatic life, I have
> >become alarmingly disturbed by the neglect and carelessness people show
> >towards life.
> >It seems as though they do not care for or respect the lives of the aquatic
> >life they sell. For example ..... what they see as "feeder goldfish",
> >putting about 500 of them into a 90 gallon tank with insufficient filtration
> >systems produces diseased and weak/sick fish. yet they see them as feeder
> >fish, a young child may go into one of these establishments and ask their
> >parent for a goldfish (in which they plan to make a pet of) and are they
> >going to possibly be happy when one of those sick fish dies soon after. My
> >reason for writing is to ask if there are any laws to protect the lives and
> >insure proper treatment. also what ,if any, regulations should and must be
> >met by these establishments?
> >I appreciate any help possible. and thank you for your time
> --
> Jay DeLong
> Olympia, WA
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