Re: NANFA-- Fwd: "Pet Shop Problems?"

mcclurg luke e (
Fri, 15 Dec 2000 18:14:53 -0600 (CST)

Could be a PETA persona trying to stir up some trouble. I do agree with
the person though that some shops do NOT treat their stock well. These
places should be avoided and put out of business.


On Fri, 15 Dec 2000, Jay DeLong wrote:

> I'm not sure why I got this message, but here it is for thought or whatever:
> >From:
> >Date: Fri, 15 Dec 2000 06:58:40 EST
> >Subject: "Pet Shop Problems?"
> >To:
> >X-Mailer: Unknown sub 171
> >
> >Hello my name is Vincent Burkhimer and I am writing you in regaurds to
> >concerns I have about the "methods" pet shop/suppliers, most importantly
> >those who deal with aquatic life and how they are treated.
> > Visiting various, local establishments that sell aquatic life, I have
> >become alarmingly disturbed by the neglect and carelessness people show
> >towards life.
> >It seems as though they do not care for or respect the lives of the aquatic
> >life they sell. For example ..... what they see as "feeder goldfish",
> >putting about 500 of them into a 90 gallon tank with insufficient filtration
> >systems produces diseased and weak/sick fish. yet they see them as feeder
> >fish, a young child may go into one of these establishments and ask their
> >parent for a goldfish (in which they plan to make a pet of) and are they
> >going to possibly be happy when one of those sick fish dies soon after. My
> >reason for writing is to ask if there are any laws to protect the lives and
> >insure proper treatment. also what ,if any, regulations should and must be
> >met by these establishments?
> >I appreciate any help possible. and thank you for your time
> --
> Jay DeLong
> Olympia, WA
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