Re: NANFA-- live foods
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 20:23:44 EST

what do you feed the new born fry. can they take the decap brine shrimp eggs
or do the fish have to grow for awhile before they can eat the decap brine
shrimp. I am looking for something that can be fed to the fish as soon as
they hatch and absorb the egg sack. first food. this seems to be the most
critical and difficult.

george arndt
harvard, mass

In a message dated 12/18/00 5:16:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< The best source I've found lately is for top quality
freezedried bloodworms, and also brine shrimp eggs in quantities as low as 6
grams (sounds like college again...). They also have developed a line of
decapsulated brine shrimp eggs to feed to smaller fishes. All of my Fundulus
and Notropis seem to like the decaps. The company is based in Utah and sell
Great Salt Lake eggs.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL >>

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