Re: NANFA-- live foods

jake levi (
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 06:04:46 -0800 (PST)

ref the failure of your daphnia cultures, have you
examined the bottom of the culture for cysts? What did
you culture them in? Indoors,outdoors? What caused
them to fail?

I have kept dapnia cultures from year to year in the
north, outdoors, froze solid each winter, thawed out
in the spring, and continued on. I kept a circulator
going one winter in one and noted no
difference(improvement) from the culture beside it
without the water movement.

Are you sure the culture is gone? Was it toxins?
--- wrote:
> In a message dated 12/19/00 4:21:51 AM Pacific
> Standard Time,
> writes:
> << What types of fish Rev?
> jake
> >>
> I'm going to try banded sunfish this year in
> particular but I also breed
> bluespots. I also have plans for pygmy sunnies,
> redfin pickerel and some
> madtoms. The total failure of my cyclops and daphnia
> cultures this fall is
> going to make it expensive if not difficult so I may
> have to settle for just
> the banded. I do have a question for the list, has
> anyone tried to breed the
> Warmouth?
> Moon
> Moon
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