Re: NANFA-- live foods
R. W. Wolff (
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 21:17:58 -0600
feed daphnia a mix of rotifers and green water ( euglena). Rotifers are
easily found in still ponds, they also show up in established aquariums. To
tell if you have them, turn off any current/ air that disturbs the surface
of the water. when the water is still, it will have a rainbow appearance in
the reflection of the light, not like that of oil, much thinner film. In a
still tank that has sat for several hours they will make a cloud under the
surface. I do not know if all are beneficial, but my strain of rotifers
seem too be. Euglena are not easily started like some instuctins say. You
are best off getting some from some one or a biological supply house. Once
you get them started, they are hard to kill off. If I can keep them going
for nearly a year now, anyone can. It helps to have a good specie of
daphnia. I have a local strain that is very adept to indoor rearing. I have
never had luck with the magna, pulex, or monia. Also, my dahpnia have no
problems coexisting with cyclops, which my elassoma love to eat both, and
the baby elassoma love the euglena and rotifers.
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