Re: NANFA-- live foods and more

Tue, 19 Dec 2000 12:10:47 -0600

George, do you have plenty of hiding spaces for your Crayfish? If you can
provide a lot of nooks and crannies for them to get in and out of they will
fight a lot less. I kept three fairly large Crayfish in a 10 gallon tank
with little or no fighting. I had several rocks and a piece of Plastic
tubing for them to hide in.


i would also enjoy some miniature crayfish. i understand they do
not cannibalize. I have some local ones and they get anyone who molts.
tear the claws off each other. they are always scrapping. one guy lost
his claws in one fight. he now runs away. hehe.

i like the crayfish they clean up the tank. but I think the miniature ones
might be better.

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