Re: NANFA-- nanfa -why I didnt collect on DEC 3

Al G Eaton (
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 14:56:23 -0800 (PST)

The danger at the time wasnt the show and ice on the
river, it was the climb down the steep ravines where
the fish were that I wanted to collect .... only a few
weeks earlier I collected in the Little Darby when it
was 10 degrees out and the creek had not completely
frozen over yet. It was a lot of fun.... If I could
have gotten to the creeks in KY I would have collected

The picture is of Cumberland Falls, about 20 miles
west of Corbin, KY.

--- wrote:
> Collecting is pretty dangerous, here, too. We
> have gotten about 40" of
> snow so far, this year. Currently, there is about 17
> inches of snow out on
> 4-5 inches of ice. It has been getting down to 0
> theses nights, but the snow
> insulates the ice so much, I still can't ice fish.
> Oh well.
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