Re: NANFA-- paddlefish: was A couple of items
Sun, 10 Dec 2000 20:20:41 EST
I have been keeping threadfin shad in captivity for the last few months by
feeding them a product called Micro-pellets. They are made by a company
called Hikari. so far my shad are growing and maintaining their natural color
and shape. In fact they look better than wild caught fish now. This food is
meant for very small tetra type fish. I put it in a feeding ring and it
slowly sinks and the shad congregate under the ring and snap up the small
particles. Even my elephantnose fish will eat it, an unbelievably picky fish,
it evidently has some attractants added to the product. If and when I get a
large pool built I plan to try a small paddlefish on this product when
daphnia are scarce.
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