NANFA-- Re: Chuck Church's message re: newbies and lurkers
Wed, 20 Dec 2000 23:05:50 EST

Hey Chuck,
What you mention in your message is exactly what I am looking for! I have
kept tropicals and will probably do so in the future. But as I am building a
small fish room and due to this, currently have very few tropicals, I am
planning on jumping into native fish this Spring.
1. I can use pretty much any type of info regarding natives, especially in
SE Michigan?
2. Collecting info as equipment and methods as well as any things to do and
not do to insure success?
3. Suggested tank sizes for any given species of fish?? I have many 10's and
some 20's, but I hope to be able to house a couple larger tanks down the road
I will probably get some darters, as I am quite sure I can get johnny's out
behind my sister's place.

<< Particularly new folks and lurkers: Please, everyone jump in, what do you
WANT to see on the list?

When I joined about three years ago, I was particularly interested in
collecting methods, ethics and husbandry of native fish. I've also heard
great collecting stories, learned more about live foods, herps, specialized
tanks, aquatic insects, shellfish and other nature related stuff. I
personally consider these all to be desirable. >>
Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

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