Re: NANFA-- re: two list appearances yesterday for Belonesox

Norman Edelen (
Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:30:16 -0800

Belonesox are occasionally offered for sale at pet shops, but generally they
are sickly and underfed large adults. Often they have damaged jaws from
being in a small dealer tank without enough cover. They will hit the glass
and break their jaws. I would think that your best bet would be to obtain
them from a breeder. Perhaps someone on the livebearer mailing list would
have some. As far as I know they will not eat anything that isn't alive, so
feeding them can be expensive. I would first establish a large colony of
feeder fish before I acquired any Belonesox.


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----- Original Message -----
From: Doug Dame <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 10:24 AM
Subject: NANFA-- re: two list appearances yesterday for Belonesox wrote (Dec 20, 2000 10:52:27 PM):

>> I can't imagine any reason for Gambusia to exist in the huge
>> numbers that they do other than to feed my Belonesox.

and earlier that morning Andy Borgia had written ("Glades collecting"):

>> ....Also seen were many Pike Livebearers-Belonesox
>> belizanus

I've kinda been thinking I might like a few of these guys to fit into that
little "fish with big teeth" niche we all have somewhere in our fish-keeping
souls .... anything special I should know besides "not suitable for the
community tank" ???

Also, as far as I know, they're not found as far north as I am (Gainesville
area), can anybody recommend any specific places where I could snag 'em?


Doug Dame
Interlachen FL
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