Re: NANFA-- RE:Standard Collecting Gear:MAPS

Dave Littlehale (
Fri, 01 Dec 2000 13:59:53 -0500 wrote:

> On 29 Nov 2000, at 16:34, wrote:
> I would like to gripe about topo maps. Well, first of all the maps at
> topozone do not have a very high resolution - they are blurry and it
> is difficult to make out details. But my major complaint is that the
> 7.5" maps in my area are pitifully outdated - 20+ years old at least.
> And there are no street names for anything other than major
> thoroughfares, and the roads are not mapped accurately either. I
> have gotten VERY lost using topo maps. The DeLorme maps,
> even though they do not provide the detail of the USGS offerings,
> are much more useful.

Yes, the topo's are very outdated; I think the NJ maps are from the 50's. And
you're right about no streets are named except for the major roads. I have found
the CD fits my use's just right.

I'm trying to get around the dirt roads in the Pine Barrens in NJ which probably
haven't changed much in the past 40 yrs. There are 100's of these roads that
intersect the state and can take you to some really great places, if you can avoid
getting totally lost. I pull up a quadrant map and use a tool for drawing a line
from the intersection of one dirt road to another. Once that has been completed,
I can find that distance which I transfer to a map I've already printed. Since
the maps are so old, I find if I drive the distance and not take the first road on
my left, I can get to where I want to go. Also, you can zoom in for much greater
detail and it's much faster than the web site, but it doesn't cost $100.

So many roads so little time


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