Re: NANFA-- River Use Issues in GA/AL/FL- long winded
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 22:35:10 EST

In a message dated 12/17/00 9:17:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

<< I recently was in Alabama and Tennesse and was collecting with Casper
(thanks again Casper!) and we found a LOT of fish in the shade of the
over-pass of a large interstate highway. Not that I am arguing with your
data. >>
I'm guessing you're refering to my arguement about the fish "tunnel" to
bypass reservoirs? Under bridges and in tunnels are two very different
things. Yes, in the shade of bridges can be good collecting for some things.
I'm not trying to downplay anyone's ideas here. But on an economic side, can
you imagine what it would cost to construct the kind of thing you were
talking about? It might be cheaper to take out the dam.

But, hey, I like innovative thinking (I think an open mind goes along with
the definition of "Liberal" <G>)


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