Re: NANFA-- stupid algae removal tricks

Gupp (
Sun, 17 Dec 2000 08:41:19 -0700

I just use a dishwashing sponge, of course one I don't use for the
dishes. My favorites are the real cheap ones you can get in a bag when
they have the dollar days sales. They have a scratchy pad thing glued on
one side. The cheap ones are thicker and a different sort of sponge than
the more expensive ones that are usually offered in the grocery store.
If you're worried about gettting sand or gravel in it, it seems the
smart thing to do is start at the top of your tank, then clean down. I'm
assuming all your sand and gravel are at the bottom of the tank. I guess
if you have really powerful filters going it could be all over the
place, haha.



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