NANFA-- Want Alligator Gar?

Mark (
Wed, 13 Dec 2000 11:44:28 -0500

I may be able to obtain some small (4-6 inch) alligator gar, Atractosteus
spatula. They are supposed to be captive bred juveniles. They would cost
you somewhere in the neighborhood of $25 plus shipping. If anyone would be
interested in purchasing one or more, let me know and I'll see if this will
work out. Keep in mind that this species can grow to 10 feet long. If you
take one, you are committing yourself to dealing with it responsibly. That
means _never_ releasing it and euthanizing it if it gets too big. I hear
they're good eating! If you don't have the heart to kill your pet, don't
take one.

Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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