Re: NANFA--Burbot/ Winter Collecting
R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 3 Dec 2000 00:15:05 -0600
Hey Mark,
That is cool you caught a burbot then. That is quite a feat actually. I
have heard about your [Minnesotans] 'pout fest on Leech lake, with ice
bowling and other things by day, and the fishing by night. I thought it
would be neat to take a weekend off and come up for that , just to catch a
ton of freshwater cod from clean water to eat would be great. Their livers
are supposed to be healthy too, something else I am up for trying. My
Grandpa used to eat pike livers , fry them up just like you would chicken
Try the streams feeding the lake in mid to late February, or even early
March, look for areas just under riffles or the same places that darters are
hanging out when the water is that cold. That is where I catch burbots here
anyways in the late winter. Good luck, I will post to the list if I have
any luck and what went on with catching burbot in 2001.
Burbot are voracious, and mostly nocturnal until they become accustomed to
aquarium life. They are safe to have with larger fish though, it appears
they do not attack fish unless truly small enough to easily overcome and
swallow. I would think though, a starved one would gulp down anything it
could. My friend who kept one for along time had smallish sunfish and large
shiners with it, and they were left alone. Dump some fatheads in just after
lights out, and watch the show. A real pretty fish, and so unique among
freshwater fish.
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