
Robert Carillio (
Mon, 04 Dec 2000 17:13:41 -0500

Moon, unfortunately, this is the result of a snowballing of mass marketers
"saturating" the market.(This happens when big business woos and wins over
the local officials with a bunch of unresearched statements, that their
proposal is going to benefit all) If each and every consumer had the
knowledge of what will hapen to their availability of choices when buying,
they probably would not support those huge places as much as they do.
Unfortunately, most people are only thinking of themselves, and how much
they will save on a "filter cartridge!".....HA! The end result, is
exactly the inconvenience you suffer by having to drive so far to get what
you want, because most of the mass retailers carry a "cookie cutter"
selection of items, found in every other store! Rob C.

>Subject: Re:
>Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2000 18:58:56 EST
>In a message dated 12/2/00 1:48:12 PM Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
><< A few comments I have for the discussion..... I would hope that all of
> would realize as a person with "long term" buying habbits, that "cheaper"
> NOT always better >>
>I agree that privately owned stores are better i have even worked for free
>a couple just help out because i liked the owners and wanted to see them
>succeed but over the last ten years all of our local stores but one have
>either adopted the style of the mega marts or gone out of business, One
>survivor sells mostly salt water and African chiclids and almost never has
>any thing else. I have talked to them about expanding their freshwater but
>their claim is they cannot make money on freshwater fish because of the
>marts. So if I want an odd or unusual freshwater fish I have to go online
>take a two hour drive to another town. I can't even find cardinal tetras
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