Re: NANFA-- Oops!

Dave Neely (
Mon, 03 Dec 2001 14:44:36 -0600


>...If anyone wanted to seriously study darters, I can't think of a >better
>stream. The big surprise is that we didn't net any Alabama >shiners. Maybe
>they have an aversion to lightning.

Naw, they like electricity. I regularly subject them to it... ;)

If they had just found some way to hop the divide from the Mobile Basin into
the Tennessee River drainage, then I'm sure they'd be in the Paint Rock. Of
course, then they'd probably beat up on the palezones... As it is, you'd
have a hard time coming up with another small Tennessee River trib that's in
as good of shape (lack of silt, intact forest upstream, sensitive fauna,
etc.) as the Paint Rock, but there's several rivers with more darter taxa


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