NANFA-- A few pics

Al G Eaton (
Tue, 4 Dec 2001 17:33:30 -0800 (PST)

I posted a few pics from the Nanfa convention (I have
several more) and a couple from a collecting trip with
Pat Johnson where we found arrow darters at the base
of a remote mountain. The light was extremely poor
and my slide film was slow so the Lobelia is a little
fuzzy, but I like the shot of Cumberland Falls. The
shot of the male arrow darter was so blurry I didnt
post it (shot at 1/15 of a second or so. I guess I
will have to twist Pats arm to return there and I will
have to take faster film and a flash :-) next time. I
posted these to the NFC egroup on yahoo it will
probably need you to join the group. You can always
join, look at the pics and then unjoin...or if I get
time I will add a page to my site. I need to spend a
little time to compress the images more and then I can
put several on a page somewhere.

BTW, I know I misspelled the species name of the
Ammocrypta species... but that glass of wine with
dinner was especially good that night.


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