NANFA-- FW: David S. Jordan's Collecting Trips

Jay DeLong (
Fri, 14 Dec 2001 18:49:35 -0800

-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Logan
Sent: Friday, December 14, 2001 9:55 AM
To: Jay DeLong; Norman Edelen
Subject: David S. Jordan's Collecting Trips

Good Friday morning, Jay and Norm.

I thought that you might find the attached internet page interesting.
Happy reading.

I am getting back into fish slowly but surely. I am writing two journal
articles: one on chum salmon in California and one on using scales to
estimate ages for young-of-the-year suckers (scales don't work.) Also,
I've started a friendly competition with two office mates to see who can
observe every fish species found in the Russian River most quickly.
And, lastly, a local consulting biologist has captured a bunch of
sculpins and he can't identify them; he asked me to identify them for
him. Ahhh . . . Fish rule!


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