Re: NANFA-- Collecting today!

Steven A. Ellis (
Wed, 19 Dec 2001 02:13:09 -0500

You got it, pal. My ears perked up as soon as I read the part about F.
chrysotus. Tell us a little about the stream(s) y'all visited, especially
the snorkel factor in case the GillMan is lurking up there in Chattanooga!

Steven A. Ellis
Kennesaw, GA

At 08:37 PM 12/18/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Hey everyone,
>Dustin and I went collecting in the low country of SC today. We stoppd by
>several places and actually had pretty good luck. We collected Fundulus
>chrysotus, Heterandria formosa, Etheostoma fusiforme, a few Enneacanthus
>gloriosus, two E. obesus, some Umbra pygmaea and a good many Elassoma
>okatie. This was the first real coolecting trip I had ever been on and
>Dustin was an excellent host. Oh yeah, Steve, he said this will be a
>scouting trip in preparation for when you come this way.

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