Re: NANFA-- speaking of bowfin lore...

R. W. Wolff (
Thu, 20 Dec 2001 16:45:37 -0600

I have been attacked by a male bowfin gaurding young as well once. It was a
wind swept shore, and the water clear. On the surface many peices of weed
had built up. These weeds must have been teaming with bugs of some sort,
since small bowfin were all over in this "soup". I waded out to pick a few
up by hand, it was that easy. As I walked back up onto land, something
brushed my leg and made a wake, the wake then turned and came towards where
I just exited the water. It didn't stop and the head and pectoral fins of
the daddy came out of the water. It was really cool.
I have also seen them sitting in this same manner on rocks, slabs of
concrete and other flat rip rap in the marsh, with the head back to the
pectorals exposed. I do not know if they are hunting frogs or what. Since
when I see them they quickly flip back into the water.

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