NANFA-- outdoor breeding suggestions
Ashton, Matthew J. (
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 20:07:07 -0500
So I was strolling around an area freshly cut back that was over grown at
work today. I happen to stumble upon what looked to be four small dug out
ponds kinda filled in with debri, but also at least one circular cattle
trough sunk into the ground. Im more interested in the cattle trough. It is
retaining water and hasnt frozen over more than a little on the surface
because it is sunk into the ground and im guessing staying warm that way. So
I was wondering if there any ohio natives that could over winter or be put
in very early in the year and spawn in such a set up. possibly a Fundulus or
Muddminnow becaue of the pond like conditions or a sunfish, or a lake
dwelling darter? feel free to go wild with the ideas.
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