It sounds like some type of cyano or dinoflagellate that was either 1) a
contaminant and it had the right conditions to outcompete the
nanochloropsis (or whatever you started with) or 2) the nano crashed and this
schtuff is feasting on the spoils.
-----Original Message-----
From: Crail, Todd
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 1:53 PM
Subject: RE: NANFA-- Green water turns red
It sounds like some type of cyano or dinoflagellate that was either 1) a
contaminant in the euglena and it had the right conditions to outcompete the
nanochloropsis (or whatever you started with) or 2) the nano crashed and this
schtuff is feasting on the spoils.
How did you start your culture?
-----Original Message-----
From: R. W. Wolff
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 1:46 PM
Subject: NANFA-- Green water turns red
I have three green water cultures on a window sill. One of them turned red,
well red in the sun.. It does not smell bad, so I don't think it is dead
green water, and the stuff stays suspended without help. I don't have a
microscope so I cannot see if they are tiny animals swimming around or what.
If I dump it in clear water, it looks just like how the green water acts,
like the teeny particles are moving on there own. Could this be another type
of protozoan similar to euglena that makes up green water? A rotifer of some
type? Or have I found the freshwater red tide?
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