NANFA-- extreme collecting

Ashton, Matthew J. (
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 12:41:42 -0500

So who this far north is still collecting? Mark Binkley and I are!!!

Mark came on out to my neck of the woods to drop off some Brindled Madtoms
we are attempting to breed and we decided to do a little collecting because
some of the ice had melted. I had told him about a beaver damn pond/bog
earlier so we walked on down to it. Well we found it and very little open
water. Stepping on it it was thin ice anyways but of course you sink in 2
feet into the scum. Mark broke away aobut a 4 x 4 section of ice and we
began dipping around and nothing. Then from him stepping in the muck im
assuming we began to see Central Muddminnows shooting to the surface. So
apparently a new way to catch fish in water too mucky and shallow to net is
to force them out of the muck, onto the ice, and then they have no where to
go but into the bucket. So we got about 6 or 7 total for me and then seined
a few passes behind the beaver dam in the stream. Caught some fatheads,
bluntnose minnows, monsterous creek chubs, a few mottled sculpins, green
sunfish, and bluegill.

So the third part. Since i have at least 7 or so Muddminnows and now i have
a good population of them they are gunna get a home out in my sunken cattle
trough and winter them and warm em up in the spring to breed.
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