Re: NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1479

m c (
Fri, 13 Dec 2002 20:21:55 -0800 (PST)

That is the bueaty of it. Macs can read "standard"
fromat data CDs. And if you want to include a mac
veiwer for powerpoint, it is quite easy to make a
hybrid cd to hold a Viewer for mac, and the data files
in "standard" format.

I've done something simular before. I often housesit
for a friend with a IMAC. If I want to take advantage
of his cable modem to down load files for later use on
my computer I have to burn them to CD in hybrid
It works fine.

My problem with PDS is that the appearence of the
files depends on the screen size and resolution of the
end user. What looked just fine on your 40inch screen
may be compleatly illegaible on anothers laptop LCD.
Sometimes to get decent resolution you have to blow it
up and pan, which doesn't work very well during a

--- Jay DeLong <> wrote:
> At 01:05 AM 12/13/2002 -0800, you wrote:
> >Reguardless of compatibility drift or the perfered
> >format for scientific exchange, I think that the
> >better format for "on site" use is Power Point.
> > All they would need is Win 95 and a cdrom.
> Which is why it isn't the best idea. What about Mac
> users?
> Back to PDFs for a sec:
> I really like having embedded links in a pdf file,
> like John did with his
> list of Texas fishes:
> 5.0 is the currect version of Adobe. But can the
> older Adobe 3.0 Distiller
> make files with such links?
> --
> Jay DeLong
> Olympia, WA
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