RE: NANFA-- RE: digital cameras (here's one for you Jay)

Doug Dame (
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 10:50:34 -0500

Jay DeLong wrote (in part) :

>> Me and the misses are planning a Yucatan vacation and I'm
>> thinking of the costs of underwater cameras, film developing,
>> etc. This camera could recoup some of its costs that way
>> pay for itself over time. One drawback is that it takes standard
>> batteries and uses them up quickly.

I went to Hawaii early in the year with the digital camera, and took 1200-odd
photos in two weeks. Even with my very truly modest skills, there's enough
"keepers" to make as long a slide-show as most people would care to see. (I
used a Casio camera that takes the IBM micro-drive in a Compact Flash slot,
and took an extra drive, so I had 680 MB of in-camera bag storage on hand at
all times. Since I also had a laptop with me, that turned out to be more than
I needed, I never had a "two hard-drives day." These days you can buy CF cards
up to one GB, tho, so I suspect the high-capacity CF cards are the better
option these days. I also had 3 sets of 4 NiMH batteries, which was probably
the right amount, plus a small charger.)

Years ago in college I took a set of "field geology" courses that took us to
the southwest, Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, I took 6 or 8
rolls of file with me ... and then didn't have the money at the time to get
them developed. Ah, whoops.

I didn't know/think about it when I went to the last trip, but the AquaPac for
digital cameras seems to get pretty good reviews for taking tolerable
(amateur/snap shot quality) underwater pictures, and at under $50 seems to be
a pretty remarkable deal.

(Note to self: send URGENT FLASH note to Santa about that AquaPac.)


Doug Dame
Interlachen FL
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