RE: NANFA-- RE: digital cameras / AquaPac

Doug Dame (
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 08:39:21 -0500

Sajjad wrote:

>> Cool. After losing a film camera to salt water
>> (damn baby shamu!), I have been leery of taking
>> my digital camera near water. I am usually
>> super-careful when I take it collecting. But, it does
>> get splashed. Aquapac seems ideal for my needs.
>> I just ordered it online. Should be getting it shortly. :-D

Excellent .... after you've taken it on a field mission, let us know what you
think. I suppose .. you're in Illinois, right? ... that a
Casper-Cox-style-full-immersion-snorkel-test probably isn't imminent. (OTOH,
this is science, and sacrifices sometimes have to be made !!!)

Who knows, AquaPacs could become std. issue for the well-equipped NANFA Field
Sample Engineer.

Happy holidays to all.

doug dame
interlachen fl
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