10-26-1999 Easley Creek, Arkadelphia Arkansas
Collected at Easley Creek, tributary of the Ouachita River, at the county
line between Hot Spring and Clark Counties. This is NE of Arkadelphia and
just east of Witherspoon. Species collected:
Lepomis cyanellus
Lepomis gulosus
Lepomis machrochirus
Lepomis marginatus
Lepomis miniatus
pugnose minnow
banded pygmy sunfish, Ellasoma zonatum
slough darters
emerald shiners
blackspotted topminnow
tadpole madtom
grass shrimp
dwarf crayfish
Bayou du Chien NE of Hickman KY.
NE of the town of Hickman, Fulton County, extreme western Kentucky.
Page 75 of DeLorme Kentucky Altas & Gazeteer.
Take Upper Bottom Road north out of Hickman. It crosses Bayou du Chien and
turns left. It then turns to the right and continues north. Pull off at
the second (right) turn. There is access there to the flooded bottom land
along Bayou du Chien. This is not far from the mouth of the river where
it meets the Mississippi River. Species collected:
Lepomis megalotis
Lepomis gulosus
Centrarchus macrops
bigmouth and/or silver carp
freshwater drum
Morone sp?
buffalo and/or carpsucker species
Etheostoma sp? (gulf darter?)
Percina sp?
Cyprinus carpio
dwarf crayfish
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