Re: NANFA-- aquarium filters

Ty Hall (
Thu, 04 Dec 2003 09:05:22 -0600

Kate, I have a couple of Turtle displays in my store and the only filter I have
been happy with is the Fluval 4 Plus. It is a submersible filter and the elements
are washable and reusable. I am using it in a 40 Breeder with 6 painted turtles
and it is keeping the water sparkling clear.


Kate Friedman wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I have been lurking on this list for several months in preparation for
> an exhibit I am working on that will include some native fish species.
> But right now, I need some help in selecting an aquarium filter that is
> suitable for aquatic turtles. The turtles will be housed in custom built
> aquariums that are 30"w x 24" d x 17" h and they will have 1/3 to 1/2
> water level. Most filters I am finding are designed for a full tank of
> water. Any suggestions?
> thanks,
> Kate Friedman
> Lichterman Nature Center
> Memphis, TN
> phone (901) 767-7322 x 119
> email
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