Re: NANFA-- RE: BOD election

Bob Bock (
Thu, 4 Dec 2003 17:51:52 -0500

Got my ballot a few days ago. I have never seen a more impressive group of
candidates. My only problem is that we have to choose from them and can't
include them all.

Vote early.

But don't vote often.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 10:58 AM
Subject: NANFA-- RE: BOD election

> Dear members,
> please mark your ballots and return them to Leo Long. This election marks
> first time in a few years where there is actually an election of BOD
> I am pleased that interest in our organization has resulted in more
> and experienced members who have taken their time to write thier candidacy
> statements! This shows that they've taken on the challenge of leading
NANFA into
> the future, now please do your part and vote!
> (I admit that with such a formidable list of candidates, it isn't a
> or easy choice, but please send in your ballot after due consideration of
> the worthy and accomplished candidates!)
> My ballot is in the mail today!
> Best Regards,
> BG

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