Re: NANFA-- The rest of story...

Mark (
Mon, 8 Dec 2003 10:33:03 -0500

At 10:31 PM -0600 12/7/03, R. W. Wolff wrote:
> > made up so Sean could post it at work and show his family. It's 2.5mb,
>> might be worth a looky. If you wanna, the url is:
>I checked this out. Great work. I do have one comment though. I really think
>that picture of a grass pickeral is actually a juvenile northern pike. The
>"bill" is longer in comparison to the rest of the head, there are some black
>markings in the unpaired fins, and the side stripes just don't look
>pickerally enough.

You know, I had the same reaction. The black spots in the fins
looked funny to me. And the side pattern is a little iffy. Todd,
where was that fish caught?

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