> I think that it is safe to say that this is a cooked octopus. A dead
> octopus is very limp and a live octopus would be trying to support itself
> having all eight tentacles wrapped around the guys hands. If you blow up
> the picture, you can see that it is rather stiff. No octopuses are stiff.
Except for the very realistic rubber octopus that sits on top of my computer.
It looks suspiciously like the one in the picture only mine is smaller. Even
the arms are twisted the same way. Mine was good enough to fool a friend when
he saw it in a freshwater tank until he looked closer and noticed it wasn't
breathing. Yep the more I look at it the more that one looks like a bigger
version of my small one, pretty much exactly. Probably bought it in a gift shop at
a public aquarium where I got mine!
"So that's how it's done! You stop and look both ways before crossing the
"If only Captain Bipto had known!"
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