fishing, another chapter in the book "Crazy Old Germany - Inventor of
First one has to have the general fishing licence named
"Bundesfischereischein" (= federal fishing licence). This takes a course of
about 60 hours teaching in a group and a formal testing in theory and
practice. When absolved this is for a lifetime. But no fishing nowhere
without this license. I am not sure whether a foreigner needs this license
or not. Can ask for if one likes.
Secondly one has to get and pay for the local/regional fishing licence for
the area in which he wants to go fishing. This can be a single pond/lake or
a river section or a wider area. These sections are predominantly run for
rent by clubs or private persons. Owners are mostly the state or countries.
It4s the same more or less for hunting.
Coastal/marine fishing is free then! Hunting not.
The numbers of angles is limited, other technics are in most cases not
allowed (seines, traps, lines with multiple hooks etc.).
No live fishes or other vertebrates as a bait.
There are certain restrictions to the minimum size and total weight of the
fishes (if you get any, this is a by far lesser chance than in the USA or
All over its a mess and expensively compared to what you are used to. For
one year you will pay appr. 150 Euro or more.
Guess why I am not fishing anymore? ;-)
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