NANFA-- Here's the tank...

Todd Crail (
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 15:48:49 -0500

Greetings NANFAns... I finally got the whole kit and kaboodle up at Maumee
Valley Country Day. We had a bad run of light bulbs (bad shipment) and that
kinda delayed things. But with a little "YAY!" from the fishdude with the
glowing face, we called it good.

I had a great growing experience. I'm not real good with the kidos
(actually, I'm terrified of my awkwardness around them ;) and I had to
figure out what was going wrong with the lights with a bazillion questions
going on. But what a great learning opportunity for me :)

Once everything was working, I could settle in and really pay attention.
There's one lil fella who's the little guy I was hoping to "find". He was
_plastered_ to the glass and has read up on his own all about rock bass and
longear. He's very excited to see what a stoneroller and dace look like
too. And... he's finally given up on having a walleye in there ;)

Topics of discussion:
- "How fast do snails move?"
- "Are we going to get more fish?" [most popular]
- "Can the fish make escargot out of the snails?" (they're really
fascinated with the snails)
- "Do fish puke?"
- "Ewwwwww!!! It's pooooping!!!"

It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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