And also, thank you for YOUR contribution. You may remember a few years back
you looked up a copy of Blatchley's "Fishes of Indiana" and transcribed some
info on bowfin. That info made it into the sidebar on the bowfin's various
common names.
> From:
> Reply-To:
> Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 09:34:21 EST
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- NANFA guys in press
> In a message dated 12/1/03 7:11:42 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
> << "Bowfins in Nature and in the Aquarium" by yours truly in the Feb. 2004
> issue of Aquarium Fish Magazine.
> Chris Scharpf
> About three weeks ago, a patron was looking at the native fish tank I have
> set up in a library. He commented to the librarian that he had once caught a
> Dogfish and that his friends insisted he kill it and that it was poisonous to
> eat. The librarian asked me what I knew. A week later she pointed out that
> they had just started subscribing to Aquarium Fish Magazine and that the first
> issue was on the shelf. It was the issue with Chris's article in it. It
> backed
> up everything I said and added a bunch of new information.
> Another great article, Chris.
> Chuck Church
> Indianapolis, Indiana USA
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