Re: NANFA-- Regional Spring Fling, Hoosier Style...

unclescott (
Fri, 26 Dec 2003 15:30:19 -0600

> That is REALLY close to where one of our mussel surveys took place
too...there is alot of unfortunately "lake" areas along that stretch but 30
minutes south of winimac it is great.

Small world! For a number of years, members of the Michiana Aquarium Society
(including several of the people at Todd's workshop last fall) would
rendezvous at Winimac and drive over to a family member's cottage and work
up and down the river from there.

There should be some Michiana/NANFA guys perking up when they catch their
e-mail. :)

One of the times I tagged along, Dr. Page and his students were also there.
The members of the college crowd were fluent in the use of the popular names
of fish and taxonomic connections. The aquarium society people (including a
couple of refugees from Chicagoland) were familiar with the scientific
names and some aquarium care, including breeding in some cases. It was neat
witnessing the friendly conversations and exchange of info from one end of a
seine to the other. Everyone came to appreciate what the others knew and how
much there still was to learn.

Somewhere also have a slide of what happens when two aquarists and an eight
foot seine unexpectedly encounter a two foot + carp in the shallows. ;)

All the best,

Park Forest, IL
almost on the edge of the Kankakee flowage
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