North American Native Fishes Association
2004 Convention, Columbia, South Carolina
Dear NANFA Member,
We would like to invite you to attend this year's NANFA Convention in
Columbia, SC on June 17-20, 2004. Our annual convention is a great place
to meet other NANFA members, hear some neat presentations about fishes and
the aquatic environment in general, and spend a day or two visiting some of
the local areas and collecting fishes you may never have seen before. South
Carolina has a
diverse range of habitats, from mountains to piedmont to coastal plains, so
we have a lot of options! You will need a South Carolina recreational
fishing license to collect nongame fishes in South Carolina. Anyone who
wants to should be able to find some interesting new fishes. The weather in
early June should be warm but not oppressive, and many of the fish may still
be in breeding coloration. For those of you wishing to bring your families,
there are many historical sites and attractions for them to visit around the
Riverbanks Zoological Park & Gardens has been kind enough to allow us to
have our auction, speakers and banquet in their facilities. Dustin Smith,
Fritz Rohde and Chip Rinehart will be acting as your hosts. The format for
the meeting will be a full day on Friday of collecting trips around South
Carolina, with the possibility of brief forays into North Carolina. Friday
night we will have our annual auction as well as guided tours of the
aquariums at Riverbanks Zoo. On Saturday we will have presentations of
interest to NANFA members by some well-know and highly regarded speakers,
followed by the banquet that night, also at Riverbanks. Sunday, for those
interested, we will do some more collecting. This year's convention t-shirt
will again be an original design by
Casper Cox; make sure to get your order in early.
On Saturday, our meeting will begin at 8:30am with a lunch break at 12:30pm
then resuming again at 2:00pm and continuing until approximately 5:00pm. A
brief list of our speakers and their topics below:
Patrick McMillan - Aquatic Plants
Gerald Pottern - Shiners of the subgenus Hydrophlox
Fritz Rohde - Pygmy Sunfishes
Brian Wagner - Crayfishes
Dave Neely - Sculpins
Ray Wolff - Aquarium and Pond Maintenance
at least one more TBA
We are honored to have, as our special guest speaker at the banquet, Dr.
Robert Goldstein, who will be speaking on collecting in South America.
Here are the details of how to get to and where to stay in Columbia:
CONVENTION LODGING: Holiday Inn - Columbia Airport The rooms will be
non-smoking doubles, and some smoking rooms will be available at your
request. The rate will be $65.00 per night and will include a complimentary
hot breakfast buffet in Magnolia's Grill which is the on-site restaurant.
For more info on the motel go to < > or to make reservations call (803)
794-9440. *NOTE: Make sure to mention that you are with the 'NANFA' group
and tell them to use tracking number "2-NAN". The deadline for making
reservations is May 25, 2004. This Holiday Inn is located on Chris Drive,
just off of US #1at I-26 (Exit 111b) and is a short 10 minute drive to
Riverbanks Zoo via I-26/I-126. For any of you that may be flying in, it is
also very close (approx. 10 minutes) to the Columbia Metropolitan Airport
and has free shuttle service to and from the airport.
AIR TRAVEL: Columbia Metropolitan Airport is served by several major air
carriers with direct connections to many North American cities. The airport
is about 10 miles west of the meeting site, connected by US #1/I-26/I-126.
TRAVEL BY CAR: Columbia is located in the center of the state easily
accessible via interstates I-20, I-26, and I-77.
CONVENTION REGISTRATION: The registration fee for the convention is $65 if
paid by May 16, $75 at the door. A spousal registration fee of $20 will
cover attendance at the Saturday evening banquet and admission to other
convention events. Also, this year we will have a special student
registration rate of $25 ($30 at the door) for middle school, high school
and college students. Early registrations should be made out to NANFA and
sent to: Dustin Smith, 1229 Walnut Street, Newberry, SC 29108 .
We hope you can make it to Columbia this June. If you have any questions,
please contact us at:
Dustin - home phone 803-405-1847 or email
Fritz - e-mail at
Chip - home phone 803-808-3502 or email .
Dustin Smith, Fritz Rohde, Chip Rinehart
Convention hosts
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [SMTP:EELReprah at]
> Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2003 3:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: NANFA-- 2004 NANFA Convention announcement
> In a message dated 12/30/03 2:00:12 PM, writes:
> << I just talked with my contact at the Holiday Inn and she said "Yes, the
> 2-NAN tracking number should work when booking online reservations."
> >>
> OK, I'll bite: what is a 2-NAN tracking number?
> Lee Harper
> Media, PA
> ----
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