--Bruce Stallsmith
still in Huntsville, AL
>As a relative novice to the wunnerful world of fish,
>I was totally amazed when I read a piece about how
>Rivulus marmoratus reproduces. Self-fertilizing
>hemophrodites! Cool! (There are other species among
>molluscs and amphibians who do this too, right?
>But I never heard of it in fish!)
>What kind of genetic diversity is found in the
>offspring of a single fish? Are they clones of the
>parents? If so, how "old" is this species? I'm
>fascinated by the (probable?) absence of genetic
>diversity that would otherwise be present in
>sexually-reproducing species, and the natural
>selection effects that would have steered the
>evolutionary course of this fish.
>- shireen
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