<< I had a pair
of pike minnows (Belonsox?) i'm not sure of the spelling on that one. >>
Actually the common name for the species you are referring to is pike
topminnows or pike livebearers. Pike minnows are cyprinids of the genus
Ptychocheilus. I don't know if you knew that already and just happened to
accidentally omit the word "top" in topminnow but I figured that I'd tell you
because the two names are very similar and easy to confuse. You would also
possibly have people you were talking about the fish to thinking of a fish
from a totally different group, especially if they weren't familiar with the
scientific names of either fish species ( but knew the common name. ) The
spelling on the genus name you asked about you were in fact very close on ;
you were only missing one letter "e" ( Belonesox ).
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