Re: NANFA-- Collecting

Dave Neely (
Wed, 22 Dec 1999 19:31:03 CST

George, Moon, and others...

I have to agree with BG. Electrofishing, even with the proper safety gear is
dangerous- and in most cases, illegal without a special permit. North
Carolina is one of the few places where recreational electrofishing is
permitted, and then only because the NC DNR is worried about the effects of
introduced flathead catfish on a couple endemic Atlantic Slope suckers. The
field-phone generator usually used over there produces a frequency that is
highly catfish-specific.

Using a cattle prod would not be a smart thing to do. The electrofishing
gear we use for research studies have several "kill-switches", which shut
off power if you were to fall, tilt, or take your hand off of the switch.
Check out or search under Coffelt Manufacturing for more
info on how they work.

On the plus side, it is highly effective, has a relatively low incidence of
mortality (for most fish), and allows sampling of areas that are otherwide
impossible to sample effectively without resorting to an ichthyocide like
rotenone or cyanide.

Where are you located? We keep trying to put an AL/MS chapter trip
together, and it always fizzles out. I'm out sampling relatively frequently,
and can always use field help...


>Here in SENC we use a hand held generator a couple of long copper wires,
>lots of people taking turns cranking the generator, lots of cold beer to
>keep us warm and a couple of chase boats to catch the fish. Lot's of fun
>but you only catch catfish.

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